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Build your clientele with Rely Home

Several people talking representing networking

Rapidly increase your customer base through home warranty referrals and networking.

Two hands shaking representing partnerships

Build future and repeat business from our policyholders once our warranty expires.

Chart with line going up representing increase volume in work

Unlimited potential to receive a tremendous volume of home warranty service calls.

Hand and megaphone representing us offering you increased marketing without added expense

Obtain unsolicited jobs without increasing advertising and marketing expenses.

Quick, by phone home warranty claim authorization. Get authorization in under 10 minutes.

Laptop with dashboard representing infographics we provide to give insights

Secure dashboard that allows you to easily accept jobs, manage appointments, and invoice.

Our Network

Work with the best Home Warranty companies America has to offer.

Real Partner Reviews

TrustPilot reviews written about Rely Home.

Y’all seem to have it together. Better then all the rest. System is better. Y’all keep it consistent and the checks rolling. I tried out Chinch and other companies over the years and they weren’t as good.

Portal is easier to maneuver around then others. It makes it easy for our office and techs out in the field.

Honestly the best is the ability to submit authorizations online and get an answer within 10 mins so the tech can finish the job at the home.

We like just about everything. Everything goes good with you, keep it up

Volume of calls is consistent, keeps us busy all year around

I enjoy working with CHW thus far. He has no issues with payments, only wants more jobs to be available to him.